Frequently asked questions


Where are COLAMY Products shipped?

Free domestic ground shipping for destinations within the contiguous United States (48 States).

Do you ship to Alaska, Hawaii, and the US Territories (excluding Guam, US Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico)?


Why did my order come in multiple boxes or from multiple carriers?

We may ship your order to you in multiple boxes or via multiple carriers due to: The order size - large orders often are split into multiple boxes for more efficient delivery. The product's storage location - some products will come to you from our different warehouses.

Where is my order?

Please allow up to 3 business days to process an order. Once an order is processed and shipped, it can take 3-7 business days to be delivered.

But sometimes, for reasons beyond our control, we will make notes about the estimated shipping time on the product pages.

Can I track my shipment?

Yes! You can find your tracking number by checking your emails for order notifications from the website, or by logging into your account and viewing your order for the latest tracking information. If you find your order has not been delivered in this time window, please email us at with your order number so we can further assist you.

Why is the tracking number not working?

If your tracking number doesn't work, it could be that your shipping hasn't been picked up yet by the courier or the courier has not scanned it as received.

How was an item on my order canceled and will I be charged?

While we do our best to fulfill all of our orders, occasionally we have to cancel an item on an order due to an inventory stock shortage. You will receive a separate email letting you know about this cancellation and your credit card will not be charged.

How can I get a refund or exchange my product?

Please visit our return policypage for additional refund or exchange information.

Where can I find the size of the product?

Size can be found on the product page.

Does my product come fully assembled?

No, our products will arrive with easy-to-follow assembly instructions. Our COLAMY Product can be easily assembled within a couple of minutes! If you run into any issues during the assembly, please do not hesitate to drop us an email at and our support team will do their best to help you.

How do I take care of my COLAMY Chair?

While we designed COLAMY Chair to be durable, that doesn't mean you should abuse it or neglect to take care of it. If there are stains on the surface of the chair, apply some cleaning agent on a soft towel and rub the stains gently until they dissolve.

How can I pay with my coupon?

Go to the checkout page, follow the steps and fill in the necessary information. There are "use coupon code" and "use credit" buttons in the order summary section. To use a coupon code, click on "Use a Coupon code" and enter the coupon code you have in the blank column. Don’t forget to click on "Use Coupon" to continue the order.

Do I have to pay extra fees when I buy COLAMY chairs?

It depends on your payment method. If you are paying for your order with an international bank card, the purchase price may fluctuate with exchange rates. In addition, your bank or credit card issuer may also charge foreign conversion fees. Please contact your bank or credit card issuer for any questions regarding these fees. Extra charges will not be shown on your online order, and COLAMY does not take any responsibility for extra charges incurred while making payments with international bank cards.

When will my order be shipped if I pay with a PayPal eCheck?

COLAMY can only arrange shipment after the eCheck has cleared, which can take up to 3-6 business days. Please contact PayPal to determine when the payment will clear.

What can I do if the payment for my order is declined?

If your payment has been declined, you will need to place your order again. We’re not able to reinstate an order once the payment has been declined. To help ensure your order is not declined when placing a new order, we suggest checking the following:

1. Your order information (eg. phone number, email address) before submitting your order; if you are shipping to a business address, make sure to put your name on the order.

2. Card details to make sure the information is correct, e.g. the expiry date and your billing address.

3. Enter the correct security code - that's the three-digit number on the backside of your card.4. Your card issuer may have declined your payment. As they don't tell us the reason for this, it's best to check with them.If you have checked all of the above, try paying with another card or with another form of payment.

Is my personal payment profile secure?

We understand the importance of security in online transactions. COLAMY takes all necessary security measures to protect your credit card and other confidential personal information.

COLAMY does NOT share this information with any outside organizations.